Monday, July 6, 2009

morning company

This morning I woke up surprisingly early and took Jeni for a walk.  During the day,  it's too hot to take her on a walk, even if the heat doesn't bother her the hot pavement does.   
I found many people out on their morning walk. Many people were with dogs, and a few with out.  I noticed, people were friendlier on the street in the early morning. During the day, their isn't much of the 'holas' or 'buenos'. 
It is not uncommon for people not to walk their dogs. The dogs walk themselves. I've mentioned the packs of dogs hanging out in earlier posts. In the packs, some are obviously stray and others are not stray, in general, I try to keep Jeni away from them.
This dog is one of our local dogs. He is shy and friendly and has a nice new collar.  He just wanted to say 'hi.' I just wanted him to go.  Short of throwing a rock at him, he wouldn't go home.  He was sweet, and I didn't have the heart to throw a rock, pine cone or anything at him.
I accepted our escort home.  I was relieved that he danced around the cars in the road and didn't get hit. He also didn't cross the road to follow us to our door, but I'm not so unsure he wouldn't, even if only for a quick hello. Self-walking dogs know not to go inside.

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